“And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”
Genesis 2:7 CPDV
I’d be lying if I said my gypsy feet didn’t miss leaving.
The euphoria of entering a foreign adventure,
The call of an untamed sunrise beckoning me to experience it,
To break free from a concrete world and into the wildness of God’s breath.
I long for that.
Where my curiosity is met with an invitation.
Much of the first years of our marriage were forged in adventure.
Surrounded by cascading mountains, under the canopy of a starry canyon or amidst the glistening of a cotton candy sunset- we grew, we loved, we fought, we cried, we prayed, we laughed, we played.
Without a concern for anything other than each other and finding a place to rest our heads on for the night.
I got so used to the excitement of the unknown wrapped in irresistible beauty.
Why does my heart yearn quietly and yet mightily for it?
Why can’t I shake this?
Nature has taught me that beauty is both dangerous and delightful.
It is a story that whispers the same of God.
He is beautiful, dangerous and delightful.
Maybe we were never meant to domesticate the heart.
Maybe it’s longing for wildness is a longing for God.
Having been made in Eden and from earth’s clay,
No wonder there is a pull to nature.
To be fully submerged in creation.
To witness a sunrise sing a Hallelujah as it awakens above the clouds.
To hear the roar of a thousand lions in a waterfall nearby.
To behold the glory of God in the raw of a desert plain.
My bare feet long to feel the heart beat of earth’s soil in a land not easily blighted.
And maybe that’s how it was meant to be.
“My bones weren’t hidden from you when I was being put together in a secret place, when I was being woven together in the deep parts of the earth.”
Psalms 139:15 CEB