Will we still praise God even when it costs us to do so?
We’re all aware of the present heartache in our nation, across the seas, in our neighborhoods and even in our own homes. Our...
We’re all aware of the present heartache in our nation, across the seas, in our neighborhoods and even in our own homes. Our...
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7 What anchors you? When we...
This world vies for our attention, energy and time. Immersed in a culture that teaches us that rushing is the sign of productivity, And...
The cost of being trendy demands that we compromise somewhere at some point. The cost of being transformational requires us to command...
There is a dark war taking place in the spirit realm. So much so it is now tangible in the physical. We have an ancient, sinister foe...
There are no lucky stars to thank and the universe isn’t listening. Yet God leans in from His mighty throne to invite you into in His...
https://youtu.be/mh_0kwm-F5E?si=YxnlheZm06xdyl5d “Savor it with Me” I woke up while it was still dark out, loaded up the car with our...
“And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living...
https://youtu.be/Ha590Qx-uPw?si=Z0UiTxD2M99q5i4B Hi fiends! I wanted to address my involvement with the occult as a believer and how I...
Happy Mexican Mother’s Day! Continuing yesterday’s words, Journey back to the Ancient World with me to unearth some gems...
As Mother’s Day approaches I’ve thought more and more about the weight of my role in my son’s life. “Today I am a mother of boys...
”I hate the two-faced, but I love your clear-cut revelation. You’re my place of quiet retreat; I wait for your Word to renew me.”...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SFJzQXo_do Hi, my name is Neri Shalala. I met Rob 7 years ago when I was fleeing my home in Virginia...
“Woman was the answer to the first ever problem. Before the woman was created, God said it was not good. After she was created, ‘it was...
I was so excited to go wedding dress shopping. I’d been married once before but in the height of my rebellion I wanted nothing to do...
"If you have a willing heart to let me help you, and if you will obey me, you will feast on the blessings of an abundant harvest." Isaiah...
I had not realized how much preparation and planning ahead of time it took to get ready for a date out when kids are in the picture....
What do you do when you’ve been misjudged? When false accusations have been made about you? I left the store angry...
We’re all aware of the heartache happening worldwide and no one of us is immune to pain in this life. John Eldredge puts it this way,...
I am most grateful for my salvation. Yes, the one from spending an eternity in hell but also for the rest of it. Christ died for so...
Thanks for stopping by! Please don’t hesitate to let me know how I can pray for you or if there’s a question I can answer! Be blessed!