As Mother’s Day approaches I’ve thought more and more about the weight of my role in my son’s life.
“Today I am a mother of boys but tomorrow I will be a mother of men.”
I have just the one as of now,
But if that is to be true,
Then I am responsible for positioning each of them accordingly.
What kind of men do I want to raise up?
The kind that echo present culture’s plaguing confusion?
Or the kind that reflect Kingdom masculinity?
How can I ensure as a mother that this house raises up bold & gallant men of God?
//Train up a child according to his way, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.// Proverbs 22:6
Train, devote, consecrate, lead, teach, show, guide, command, prepare, dedicate, coach, direct, govern.
That word train stands out to me as more than merely teaching my kids how to answer Sunday school questions correctly, especially in light of the text preceding it.
//Twisted and perverse lives are surrounded by demonic influence. If you value your soul, stay far away from them.//
Could it be train as in training for battle?
Could it be referring to the war they’ll be forced to engage in sooner or later because the enemy of their soul is already attempting to claim it for himself?
The weaponry we arm them with now (or don’t) will dictate their mantle out in this world, in this time, as the men they’ll someday surely become.
Am I raising victims or victors?
Am I training them up to become warriors or weaklings?
Am I festering entitlement or exemplifying humility?
If they are to become all that God has appointed them to be,
Then I am going to have to be bold enough to do the same.
//But we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!// Hebrews 10:39