Yesterday I woke up at 3 am, got ready and drove 5 hours north to Maryland alone for a “conference” I had registered for a few days prior.
I didn’t know anyone there and I’d never been to this particular place before, but I knew I was supposed to be there.
This “conference” was actually a tent revival. It was my first one and it was fully refreshing to my faith and my soul.
I got to sit amongst other Bible believing, God fearing, praise giving, unapologetic followers of Christ.
Truthfully, I had generally been disappointed with the lack of truth, the lack of fire, the lack of focus in some churches today.
Yesterday, for the first time, I got to experience what Scripture tells us the church ought to look like.
Un-afraid and full of faith.
On my 5 hour drive back home, I was famished, I was exhausted, and I was a little delirious from not having had food or water or enough sleep, to be honest with you, but I was wonderfully awakened.
I was awakened to what the Lord had already been excavating in me for some time now.
How can I ever go back to tepid waters?
I don’t know any details of what is to come but I am excited and thankful to be a part of it.
We are all invited to God’s table, but it’s up to you to show up. 💛