We were tinkering in the garage, moving stuff around and a water bug surprised me. So of course, the only logical reaction for me to have was to jump up and down and scream bloody murder.
He looked over at me and waited until I was done squealing.
With a head shake he said, “You are an oxymoron, my love. Dainty and girly and a princess. And yet you just backpacked in the mountains of Washington without any concern about the dirt in your hair or the possible bear encounters or the lack of soapy baths. Beautiful and bold”.
I just laughed. He’s right.
It’s not that I enjoy having to go to “the bathroom” out in the great wide open.
It’s not that I enjoy feeling tired after trudging over mountains.
It’s not that I enjoy sleeping on the cold hard ground.
It’s just that if doing all of that is what it takes for me to get to see and experience some of God’s most beautiful sights, I will gladly do it.
I think our spiritual health is similar in that getting healthy and healing is a very uncomfortable process.
The growing pains seem to feel never ending.
Spending time alone can seem like a dreadful task.
Pushing oneself to do the work is hard.
But it’s worth it.
I wonder what we’d conquer if we were willing to risk stagnation for growth.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
