Happy Mexican Mother’s Day!
Continuing yesterday’s words,
Journey back to the Ancient World with me to unearth some gems among the rubble. ✨
I got curious about how women in the past navigated being moms, specifically of men.
So as if chasing a very adventurous infant wasn’t enough work, I decided to research them extensively.
Ladies, you don’t have to have children biologically for you to be motherly. We are wired for multiplication. And the impact we have on our surroundings is inevitable. We might as well be purposeful about it.
Glued to the pages, intently soaking up each word, discovering, learning, gasping and crying,
I noticed a pattern.
These mothers made one of two choices.
Either their hearts were captive to fear, feeling the obsessive need to be in control.
Or they chose to rest in the freedom of their faith and take God at His word.
When they let their hands take the reigns, destruction shortly followed.
When God’s hand was the one leading, blessing was on their house.
Their whispered stories are the mirror begging,
Am I a worrying mother?
Or a warring one?
Knowing my children will either inherit my fears or my faith,
I’m forced to answer the question,
Am I a scared woman?
Or a sacred one?
//But if it doesn’t please you to worship the Lord, choose for yourselves today: Which will you worship — the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living? As for me and my family, we will worship the Lord.//Joshua 24:15
Rahab: Submitting her boldness, courage, humility, wisdom and defiant faith unto God undoubtedly echoed not only in her story but also through the life of her son, mighty Boaz.
Hamutal: To be remembered as the "lioness queen mother" speaks to the kind of woman she was and the one she had the potential to become. Cunning, manipulative and ruthless.
Her sons were her fears, anger, ambition and wickedness manifested in the flesh. What was once born fit to rule became a lineage stripped.
Hazelelponi: What did God know about her faith that would make Him entrust her with a man such as Samson? She discerned that if her son was to be separated to the Lord, she’d do the same. She was prayerful, believed God and honored her assignment.
Jezebel: Her poisoned mentality, habits, beliefs and actions infected her immediate bloodline and the nation they ruled over. To what end? The destruction of her house at the cost of many Israelites' faithfulness to God of Israel. Her notoriety is cemented in her decisions that led many astray.
Athalia: Her life and role as mother serves as warning to us in what comes of living a life of fear. Her need for control, ambition for power, blatant ongoing decision to continue wickedness crowned her a legacy of sin, violence, loss and despair.
Jochebed: Not much is written about her and yet her boldness, courage, selflessness, passionate love, astuteness and defiant faith are tangible with every recorded word. Surely she must've had something to do with Israel's greats. (This one got me 😭💔🥹)
Jehosheba: This Princess risked her own life to save a boy not her own because she understood his purpose was weighty. Regardless of what he chose in the end, her boldness, wisdom and compassion were honorable.
Hephzibah: This Queen is collectively believed to have been a godly woman. How much it must have broken her heart to watch her son destroy everything her husband lived to build. She is remembered as "God's delight".
Deborah: Her fearless and valorous faith in a world similar to ours challenges one's temptation to stay small. Known as “Israel’s Mother”, her strong character was wielded to raise others up in God's honor.
