“What is your Egypt, Neri?” I felt the Lord ask me during my quiet time with Him.
I was reading my Bible the other morning not really expecting to hear anything major when I came across the scriptures below. (Jeremiah 42:9-10A; 13-17)
The remnant of Judah had approached Jeremiah, the prophet, asking him to pray to God for them and find out where He wanted them to go and what He wanted them to do. They wanted to leave for Egypt because in their eyes, life was going to be easier, “better” there.
But they said that whether they liked it or not, they’d obey whatever the Lord God said. Jeremiah prayed, God answered. He told them to stay put. He told them not to go to Egypt.
Admittedly, I felt very seen and rebuked when I read all this.
Much to my surprise, my transition to OH wasn’t easy. There are several reasons for that and I found myself often thinking, “when we get to the next place, it’ll be ‘better’.”
So as it turns out, it was living in another state, another town & essentially “Egypt” I was lusting after.
Maybe going anywhere else but the place God picked for us for this season wouldn’t result in our death like we read below for those who chose to go Egypt anyway (or maybe it would), but disobedience most certainly could’ve meant destruction in other areas of our lives.
We prayed. Not once, not twice, but for almost a year. I knew this is where we were supposed to be. But even still, I was less than thrilled to be here.
At no point had I planned or pushed for us to leave sooner than we originally talked about, but what the Lord was showing me was that the problem didn’t lie solely in our leaving or staying, but in my attitude regarding His command.
It wasn’t that I didn’t trust God’s plans. I know He’s got us. That wasn’t the issue. It was that I didn’t love them. I was enduring them. 🙃
It goes further than just obedience- He desires for His joy to be discovered and present in all seasons.
Something I know too well but lost in my day-to-day busyness.
I’m challenged with two questions,
“What other ‘Egypts’ is my heart lusting for?”
“What have I been enduring that God meant for me to enjoy?”
Do you have an “it’ll be better when”?
Answering truthfully seems to be worthwhile.
As for me, I am remembering my childlike curiosity, seeking to celebrate the small things daily and finding joy in Whom I behold again.
