The cost of being trendy demands that we compromise somewhere at some point.
The cost of being transformational requires us to command our will to come under God’s. Even when it makes us feel awkward, embarrassed or perhaps hated.
“Trendy” is a moment in time. It can be here this season and gone the next. It is defined as being popular or up to date.
“Transformational” is connected with a complete change in somebody/something, especially a positive change. Transformational leadership is about inspiring others to achieve greater things themselves.
Trendy focuses on self.
Transformational deposits into the betterment of others.
Regardless of age, culture, background or status,
We all have been given the charge of being the light of the world.
When we choose to be trendy in regards to culture and morality, we are the object of our attention. If we’re honest, we know we do so because we fear rejection. The rejection of man.
When we choose to be transformational by living like we actually believe what God says, we risk being ridiculed but we also risk bringing freedom to anyone still in darkness who may be observing what God has done for us not just in the next life, but in this one too.
Being trendy fulfills society’s expectations of us and requires us to eventually abandon our faithfulness to the Lord in some capacity.
Being transformational according to what God says, partners us with Him in the work of the Kingdom and refuses to bow to a lesser standard.
Do we want to deposit solely into ourselves?
Or are we willing to live in a way that pours into others, too?
“In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do. Live so that they will praise your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16