“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men…”
Phillips Brooks
I ponder on the birth of our great nation and I thank God for the men who decided enough was enough.
Some might call it a spirit of rebellion, but I liken it to a spirit of freedom.
Our Savior Himself was defiant that we may be free in Him.
I am grateful those tyrannical days didn’t sway our founding fathers from pursuing life as it was intended for us.
That they didn’t cower but instead insisted on fighting for what was right.
I do not pray for easier days to come.
I pray that we would be emboldened in remembering that we, too, have an obligation to preserve the American way.
To honor the Lord as a nation.
To not be timid when we’ve been called to be fierce.
To become resilient in the face of evil.
To defend the vulnerable.
To uphold Truth.
To cling to God for strength that we may finish well.
God bless America. 🇺🇸
Land that I love. ♥️
