We’ll read all the self help books from so-called best selling authors,
We’ll attend all the meetings with the best certified counselors,
We’ll take everything prescribed to us by the well-educated doctors,
We’ll light all the candles smelling of lavender and jasmine,
We’ll immerse ourselves in our studies and reach for lofty titles,
We’ll pour ourselves into our children, our pets, our lovers,
We’ll believe that we alone are all we need,
We’ll go shopping,
We’ll keep our hands busy,
We’ll avoid a moment of silence,
We’ll do ANYTHING to avoid coming head to head with our feelings,
With reality,
With Truth,
We’ll do anything to feel whole and worthy,
Anything except for the one thing that will actually suffice.
How long will our pride keep us from gaining the freedom we so earnestly claim our souls long for?
“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13 NASB