This world vies for our attention, energy and time.
Immersed in a culture that teaches us that rushing is the sign of productivity,
And that busyness is directly linked to our self worth,
Many of us have fallen prey to this thought process and have adopted a false sense of identity.
But God invites us into a rhythm of rest.
There is a lifestyle,
An ongoing journey available to those who are but willing.
One which beckons us to be at ease because of what Jesus already conquered.
No longer do we need to strive, stress or fret ourselves into a position of righteousness.
Rest is a gift that defies the enemy’s tactics of fear and frantic pursuits.
This rest is the overflow out of which we live, think, believe, engage and interact in ease because of the confidence in our Savior.
The rest God invites us into,
Rescues us from the need for mindless busywork and
Strengthens our trust in Him.
If we can acclimate to this rhythm,
We can uncover the refreshment for our souls only Jesus can give.
“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28