This is many days late but I wanted to share something in hopes that it might bring some hope to someone who may feel like they go unnoticed.
Around memorable celebrations,
Birthdays, holidays, major events, etc,
The enemy likes to remind me that I don’t have a “conventional” family.
He likes to whisper loudly in my ear that I am essentially “alone”.
A severed relationship with my only live parent,
My only sibling lives on the other side of the country,
Many acquaintances but few true friends,
Currently away from my better half while we complete our move out of state,
You get the point.
If I dwell on that thought long enough and if I’m being honest,
It’s easy for me to start to believe it and to then feel lonely or insignificant.
Especially now,
In the midst of so much transition.
But a few weeks ago,
I thought to myself,
“Lord, I think I would like some Lilies on my birthday like my dad used to do for me before he died.”
My birthday came around and my sweet sister in love took me out for the day to a quaint little downtown area nearby.
We walked around,
I got to see snow fall from the sky the way it does in a hallmark movie,
We went in and out of charming shops just to admire the unique items inside.
On our way back home,
She stopped at a store while I waited in the car.
When she came back,
She had two BEAUTIFUL bouquets of flowers in her hands;
Lilies and sunflowers 🌻
I was dumbfounded.
As she handed them to me, Holding back tears I remembered that little thought I had weeks ago.
I miss my dad.
But this whole time,
My Heavenly Dad was leaning over from Heaven,
So attentive even to a very small detail my heart confessed in passing.
My family may mostly be composed of people who look nothing like me,
Who’s blood shares nothing with mine,
Who were brought up completely different than me,
But it is these people for which I am thankful for because often times it is through them that God stills my heart,
Quenches the lies
And reminds me that I am not forgotten or alone.
That He is interested in me.
And you know what?
I don’t know know who this is for,
But I hope you know that you don’t go unnoticed either.
He longs for you to know that He wants your attention because you have His.
It’s worth letting Him prove it. ♥️