As I progress into motherhood, I am forced to think about the kind of mother I want to be, the women I admire, why I admire them and how I can model what Christ is doing through them.
My Bible reading recently took me through the book of Judges where I read about Deborah again. I have always liked her.
Sure, Esther is cool (she was a queen after all), Ruth was sweet, but Deborah- I have always been so drawn to her strength and leadership. I mean she was a prophetess and a judge in a time when that was the furthest thing from common.
But it wasn’t until recently that I heard someone preach on what was truly great about her. She had high spiritual authority as a prophetess and she had high governmental authority as judge but there was something else about her that was greater than that.
In those days, the village life had ceased, warriors stopped fighting, highways were abandoned- it was sad.
Neither her spiritual or governmental authority was what would bring about change. It was something else.
Judges 5:7 (ESV) says,
“The villagers ceased in Israel; they ceased to be until I arose; I, Deborah, arose as a mother in Israel.”
It wasn’t until she arose as a MOTHER, that change took place.
What we as a society often overlook as a weightless role, God knew was significant.
As a mother, she sent for the prince, Barak, who had been in exile and reminded him of what God had spoken to him, in spite of his current situation.
“Has not the Lord, the God of Israel, commanded you, ‘Go, gather your men…and I will give him into your hand’?” Judges 4:6-7
And then after having been asked to, she accompanied him on this mission.
I can’t help but think about the woman in the pictures below as I read about Deborah. In fact, they share the same name.☺️
Debbi, I often think about your many qualities that I love and hope to one day have, myself.
Just like Deborah,
possibly my favorite quality of yours is that you love, you instruct, you speak into, you remind, you honor, you care, you fight and you protect as a mother.
What makes mothers so special? So strong? So authoritative? Such powerhouses?
I believe fierce God-given love is what that compels them and what does not allow their loved ones to settle but evokes them to action.
A mother who loves fiercely, reminds those who can’t see it in the moment, “Has God not said..?”.
How many times have you spoken something over my life when I couldn’t see it?
How many times have you called things out in me that I wasn’t aware of?
How many times have you prayed over me when I didn’t even know it?
But that’s the beauty of godly mothers.😊
Discerning, intuitive, loving, nurturing, emboldening creatures.
Thank you for your love and for loving the Lord.
Happy birthday to the woman who’s taken me under her wing since the very first day we met.
We wept together, we prayed together, and a bond was made that day that I’ll never stop glorifying the Lord for.
I love you! ♥️🎉🎂
