Wild by nature
Perfectly lined lips and polished hair, Figure hugging dresses and long eyelashes, They praised a put together face. A...
Perfectly lined lips and polished hair, Figure hugging dresses and long eyelashes, They praised a put together face. A...
“..Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it-not with ink, but with God’s living...
If being wanted and pursued by the One who’s fingerprint is engraved on the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth and you and I, the...
I was shopping at the grocery store the other day and a woman locked eyes with me. She was talking on the phone but she walked over to...
I think women are actually really awesome. More specifically- wives. The “weaker vessel” and yet such vehement creatures. I believe the...
In México, we have a saying, “No soy monedita de oro para caerles bien a todos. No soy monedita de oro y me vale que no me...
I got to see my dad every other weekend before he was taken away, from the time I was 7 up until about 14. After that, I don’t...
First things first. The foundation upon which we build must first and always be God. ALL else is secondary. If we’ve...
For some reason we have been taught that the line is drawn with family. That we are to do everything to maintain the family...
I made a video on this topic on my YouTube channel. Click the link in my bio to watch! Perhaps this may feel a bit more abrasive than...
My first year living here, I slept on the floor. There were many moments where I didn’t know where food would come from....
"Days set apart can be a trap, detracting from the need to have daily quiet time with God. That is why we must 'pitch our tents' where we...
I contemplated back and forth whether or not I should pay full price for this unbelievably gorgeous dress I'd found at the store. For...
I grew up not celebrating Christmas. (We can get into that later 😅) And the few times we did, it was 100% about the gifts and the...
One of these I begged my parents for and the other two are now my bonus sisters 🥰 One of them keeps me vulnerable, the other keeps me...
We were tinkering in the garage, moving stuff around and a water bug surprised me. So of course, the only logical reaction for me to have...
Raging waters, roaring skies. Neither one louder than my adoration for His Highest. Praise echoes in the Heavens and rattles Hell. It...
I remember taking off in my little old beater car down Pacific Coast Highway for hours, just to catch a glimpse of that California Coast...
https://youtu.be/lth7ZT6amfc I feel as though there is the misconception that once you surrender to the Lord and let Him lead your life,...
The Wigwam Motel, Holbrook Arizona Questionable neighborhood & slanted walled tipis?! Count us in 😃😂 We’d been driving all day from...
Thanks for stopping by! Please don’t hesitate to let me know how I can pray for you or if there’s a question I can answer! Be blessed!